Supergirl TV - Hellgrammite


Hellgrammite is an alien villain from Supergirl season 1 episode 2.  He is based on an insect monster from the comics.

This was one of the first characters I worked on at encore vfx.  It was basically a digital double with a face head model that could morph into a gross open face with insect appendages.

The look of the monster face was originally concepted in the pre-season by my friend Odel Palmer.  Later the final detailed version on the actor's head model was done by me.  

On the show they basically replaced the bottom half of the actors face with my cg version.  Also when you see the character run and jump it is the digital double.

TV schedules are tight.  I think this character was done in less than 10 days.

This character was done late summer 2015.  I used these tools at Encore VFX:  3dsmax, Zbrush, Mari and VRay.

Character Still Renders


Stills from Episode 1x02

Episode Clip