Goldfish Season 6


This project was the next series of online commercials for Pepperidge Farm's Goldfish crackers.  As with the other seasons there were many episodes and many characters.

I was the character lead for this show.  The theme of this season was that the main goldfish characters go outdoors to the yard.  This means that most of the characters were common animals that you would see in the average backyard.

I think there were 22 new characters that we made for Season 6.  We spread character creation over a fairly long period of time and I think every staff character artists got to make one or two characters on this show.  The characters that stand out in my mind were the Turtle, Chipmunk, Snail, Birds, Bunnies and the Toy Shark.

On top of supervising this show I also made two characters. A squirrel and a cat.  I love cats and I was happy to make these characters.  I also created the fur for both animals and the facial morph shapes.

As with the other Goldfish seasons, this one was a good experience.  On these shows we get to take a break from the usual mayhem and violence of Blur cinematics and make something cute and nice.

The show was done over a fairly long period of time.  People would roll on and off this show as they became available.  I think production took pace between fall 2012 to spring 2013.  We used the standard tools: 3ds max, Zbrush, Mari, Ornatrix and VRay.

Character Renders

Production Still Renders by Blur Studio