Construct is a short film project directed by my friend Kevin Margo.
I made the main robot character, Bill, with my close friend Alessandro Baldasseroni. On this character, I created the head and torso and Ale made the arms, legs, and hard hat. I had a lot of fun working with Ale. I was initially really concerned with the integration of our two halves. But it came together beautifully at the end.
I also created the transit police robot and the dead body. The transit cop is just bill with a different head model and different colors. The dead body was a kit bash of various models.
This project was done in early spring of 2014. I used the usual tools for this project. 3ds max for polys, Zbrush for concept sculpting, Mari and Photoshop for texturing and VRay for rendering.
Character Renders
Production Still Renders by Kevin Margo
Cinematic Video